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Date Night Grooming Tips You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Shaving, Grooming, Cologne, Beard Oil
You’ve put in the effort, made the right moves and finally nailed down that first date. There’s no feeling out there that quite matches date night excitement, but you can’t let it go to your head. Calm, cool and collected is always the right approach, especially when it comes to how you look once you walk out the door.

Here are five date night grooming tips you simply can’t afford to ignore, no matter how confident you might be.

Get a Fresh Shave in

Let’s face it — beards are in. If facial hair is your M.O., there’s really no reason to change that. The problems start arising when it isn’t. No one is going to want to meet you halfway when it comes to facial hair. Getting a fresh shave in before you head out to meet your date is a necessity if you’re not rocking a beard, and it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes of your time.

Not Shaving? Consider Beard Oil

Just because you can grow a full beard in under a week doesn’t mean that you’re doing it right. Your beard should not only be trimmed appropriately, but you might want to give it an extra bit of attention by applying some beard oil after the shower. Beard oil helps to keep the skin below your facial hair smooth and hydrated, not to mention the fact that it will make you smell great for your date.

Don’t Overlook the Importance of Styling

A lot of guys think that styling their hair just isn’t for them. The thing is, there are plenty of ways to approach styling, and it can get you a lot more mileage than simply running a comb through your hair. A small dab of pomade or gel can take your look to an entirely different level in seconds.

Never Leave the House with Dry Lips

This one falls beneath most peoples’ radar, which is a real shame. You’re trying to end the date with a kiss, right? If so, one of the worst mistakes you can make is to go into the night with dry lips. Talk about an instant turn-off! Fortunately, lip balm is cheap, easy to find and can even add to how you smell when things start getting hot and heavy.

Go Easy on the Cologne!

Cologne can make or break a date. When you use it sparingly, it can add an entirely new layer to your mystique. Pack it on, though, and sitting next to you will be more of a chore than it is enjoyable. No matter how much you’re trying to smell like a movie star, you’ll do yourself a favor by using restraint with the amount of cologne you use.

It took you this long to get to date night. Don’t mess it up! So long as you take the above tips to heart, you’ll have very little to worry about in terms of how you look. Just don’t show up in a Member’s Only jacket, and the rest will take care of itself.

Photo courtesy of Media Razor

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Erik Neilson
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Erik Neilson is a professional freelance writer based in Portland, ME. With over six years of industry experience, Erik has…
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