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The 10 best 20-minute at-home workouts for every fitness goal

Set some goals and then get ready to crush these best at-home workouts

Nashville trainer and podcaster Nick Carrier working out
Nick Carrier/Sam Carbi

No gym necessary. That’s exactly how Nick Carrier cracked the code to achieving fitness goals. It wasn’t about specific meals for his clients or crafting the perfect series of exercises (although the lifestyle entrepreneur, Orangetheory trainer, and host of the Nick Carrier’s Best You Podcast has plenty of theories about it). No, when it comes to the success of the men and women he trains to lose weight, build muscle, and develop healthy lifestyle habits, it always depends on the goals they set first. Once that is accomplished, using his at-home workouts is the finishing touch.

“The moment someone feels like they’re falling behind, and they’re not making the progress on a pace that they need to be, they quit,” Carrier said. “Being able to make a goal that is both worthy and winnable is huge.”

Those two words, worthy and winnable, are the crux, he explains, defining the former as a goal that is meaningful to you and the latter, something you know you can accomplish. It’s moving away from the “get in shape” and “lose weight”-type ambiguity and toward tangible, measurable benchmarks, like 35 pushups in a minute, running a 7-minute mile, or dropping a specific amount of weight over a specific amount of time. “It’s very much about them having a clear goal,” Carrier explained. “Engagement comes from progress.”

Shirtless man exercising on a trail outdoors.

Becoming the best you

Carrier’s “Best You 10-Week Fitness Goal-Setting Program,” begins with these goals before it ever assigns a workout. And so should you. While his best 20-minute at-home workouts require little or no at-home gym equipment, they is still the second step. Grab a notebook and pen, take down notes and some numbers that make sense, and begin your fitness journey with these lessons this summer. Seeing your progress is a surefire way to keep you on the right track when distractions loom and any little thing can potentially knock you off the wagon.

A man bending down on one knee in the middle of a workout.

The 10 best at-home workouts

“20-Minute Bodyweight Workout with Nick”

20-minute Bodyweight Workout with Nick

Carrier already has this one filmed and ready to go for when it’s workout-o’clock. Requiring no equipment (although a high-quality yoga mat can make it more comfortable), it’s a great first session when you’re still waiting for your gear to arrive from Amazon Prime.

First, start with an easy warmup:

  1. 30-second hamstring stretch
  2. 30-second alternating lateral stretch
  3. 1-minute alternating plank bird dogs
  4. 30-second bear plank shoulder taps
  5. 30-second plank-to-pike

Give yourself 30 seconds to rest, then 45-second intervals of:

  1. Alternating reverse lunges (add jump for difficulty)
  2. Jumping jacks
  3. Body-weight squats (add jump for difficulty)

Repeat the above for three rounds, then 30-second intervals of:

  1. Kneeling pushups
  2. Mountain climbers
  3. 30-second rest

Into 30-second intervals of:

  1. Straight-leg scissors
  2. Straight-leg raises
  3. 30-second rest

Repeat the pushup and abs sections for three rounds.

“Push-up Destroyer”

Developing strength and endurance in your core, chest, and triceps (along with a host of other stabilizer muscles), they’ll see you coming after a few weeks of this.

With a partner:

  • You do 1 pushup, then your partner does 1 pushup
  • You do 2 pushups, then your partner does 2 pushups
  • Ascending to 10, repeating 10 twice
  • Descend to 1
  • If no partner, rest the equivalent amount of time between reps

Then, four rounds of:

  • Plank walkups of 15, 12, 10, and 8 reps
  • Plank shoulder taps of 30, 24, 20, and 16 reps

Finally, repeat the first half of the workout, but peak at 5 reps twice before descending.

“Leg Shredder”

Your legs may feel like jelly after this lower body destroyer, but they’ll end up looking like they’re carved out of wood. Start with a 5-minute easy run for warmup, then five descending rounds of:

  • Body-weight squats (100/80/60/40/20)
  • Pulsing squats
  • Walking lunges
  • 45-second wall-sit

Finish with a 5-minute run for distance. Treadmills, tracks, or just around the block all work well.

“Ab Creator”

And on the eighth day, Carrier created your abs thanks to this core-centric banger. For four rounds:

  • 1 minute, burpees
  • 1 minute, plank hold
  • 1 minute, bicycle crunches
  • 1 minute, straight leg raises
  • 1 minute, rest

“Full Body”

This full-body grinder will wear you down to a nub. Cut down a rep for each of the 10 rounds, starting with:

  • Dumbbell full thrusters (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
  • Jump squats (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
  • V-ups (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

Followed by five rounds of:

  • Dumbbell triceps kickbacks, 10 reps
  • Body-weight pulsing squats, 30 reps
  • Mountain climbers, 50 total

“Calorie Burner”

In case your guilt is at an all-time high after too many feasts, then hammer out this punishing sequence. After a 5-minute warmup run, launch into:

  • Pulsing squats, 100 reps
  • Walking lunges, 40 reps
  • Body-weight squats, 100 reps
  • Wall-sit, 30 seconds
  • Plank jacks, 50 reps
  • Jump lunges, 20 total reps
  • Mountain climbers, 50 total reps
  • Plank shoulder taps,  50 total reps
  • Wall-sit, 30 seconds

“Cardio Tester”

Fire up those lungs with this breath-buster. Repeat for two rounds with 2 minutes of rest between. Start with:

  • Jump squats, 10 reps
  • Bench hop-overs, 20 total reps
  • Pushups, 30 reps
  • Plank jacks, 40 reps
  • Mountain climbers, 50 reps total
  • Plank jacks, 40 reps
  • Pushups, 30 reps
  • Bench hop-overs, 20 reps total
  • Jump squats, 10 reps


Invite your friends and family to the gun show with this extremity builder. Complete three rounds of:

  • Pushups, 30 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Dumbbell bicep curls, 30 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Plank hold, 30 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Jumping Jacks, 30 seconds
  • Dumbbell overhead triceps extension, 30 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Dumbbell hammer curls,  30 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds
  • Mountain climbers, 30 seconds
  • Rest 15 seconds

“Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop”

Blending into a pleasant hum of constant movement, this burpee-centered workout flies by quickly thanks to cut-down reps and a mere 2 minutes of rest. Perform two rounds of this 10-minute EMOM (every minute on the minute):

  • 9 burpees to 5 V-ups
  • 8 burpees to 10 straight-leg raise
  • 7 burpees to 15 plank jacks
  • 6 burpees to 20 total bicycle crunches
  • 5 burpees to 25 bench hop-overs
  • 4 burpees to 30 total scissors
  • 3 burpees to 35 body-weight squats
  • 2 burpees to 45 mountain climbers
  • 1 burpee to plank hold until time
  • Rest 1 minute

“Return of the 20-Minute Body-Weight Workout With Nick”

20-Minute Bodyweight Workout with Nick #4

A great full-body workout that builds plenty of strength while burning plenty of calories.

First, start with an easy warmup:

  • 30-second hamstring stretch
  • 30-second alternating lateral stretch
  • 1-minute alternating plank bird dogs
  • 30-second bear plank shoulder taps
  • 30-second plank-to-pike

Next, you’ll start the workout, with 40 seconds of the exercise and 20 seconds rest over three rounds of:

  • 2 leg raises into 6 leg scissors
  • 4 shoulder taps into 2 pushups
  • 6 high knees into 2 body-weight squats

For the second half of the workout, you’ll be moving for 30 seconds, with a 15-second rest, for three rounds of:

  • Russian twists
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Mountain climbers
Guy working out is performing a mountain climber on the ground.

No gym necessary

These 20-minute at-home workouts, which you can do with minimal or no gym equipment, serve as an excellent starting point for your fitness journey. But before you get too carried away, and to truly maximize their effectiveness, grab a notebook and pen, jot down valuable notes and relevant numbers, and then embark on your fitness journey equipped with these valuable lessons in tow.

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Jeff Turbett
Jeff Turbett is a health and wellness coach with over three years of experience transforming clients lives and physical…
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Man with a chiseled jawline.

One of the things that the top leading men on the silver screen of the '90s gave us is some of the sharpest jawlines ever seen. Leo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, and Brad Pitt had some of the best around, making them Hollywood's most sought-after heartthrobs.
Luckily, there are things you can do nowadays to try and give yourself just as sharp of a jawline. At first glance, face exercises may sound (and look!) a little funny, but if you think about it, it makes sense that you’d want to tone the muscles in your face just as you would the rest of your body. In fact, there are over 40 different facial muscles, and your face is usually the first thing other people notice about you. Wanting to have a chiseled jawline, defined cheekbones, and taut skin, especially as you age, can be part of trying to look your best. The best facial exercises can help you do just that.
Exercises for your face can help define your jawline and cheekbones to give you that chiseled look seen on Leo, Johnny, and Brad, as well as some of the guys donning the covers of magazines and Instagram ads for skincare products and high-end colognes. Face exercises for men can also reduce the appearance of wrinkles by building muscle under the skin to keep it taut and prevent sagging. This is crucial as we begin to age and lose collagen later in life.

Do facial exercises actually work?
According to Dr. Olbricht, engaging in face exercises may not only enhance muscle tone but also potentially aid in countering the effects of gravity-related fat loss or redistribution on the face. By building muscle in the facial area, it is conceivable that fat, which tends to shift downward due to gravity, could be better maintained in its desired position.

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WatchOS 10 will make the Apple Watch a true cycling smartwatch
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Apple watchOS 10 zones

At its annual World Wide Developer Conference, Tim Cook and the developers at Apple unveiled some exciting new features for its upcoming software updates. While the spotlight might have been on the Vision Pro, don’t miss out on the biggest Apple Watch updates ever, and see if they line up with our predictions. Cyclists especially should pay attention to these game-changing watchOS 10 upgrades. Let’s take a closer look at the watchOS 10 and what it will mean for cyclists.

Apple’s newest features for cycling
See new metrics with compatible Bluetooth accessories
Bluetooth connection to cycling sensors is long overdue, and Apple-enthusiastic cyclists are breathing a huge sigh of relief. In previous watchOS versions, Bluetooth connection to cycling sensors has been nonexistent, except for heart rate straps. Well, that will all change with watchOS 10. Automatically connect to Bluetooth-enabled accessories to add cadence, speed, and power to your Workout View.
A new Power Zones Workout View
With the new update, Apple Watch automatically detects your power meter and estimates your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Using the FTP, which is the highest level of intensity you can maintain for an hour, Apple has created Power Zones, a brand-new feature that indicates your workout’s level of intensity. During your workout, you’ll even be able to track how much time you’ve spent in each zone. By analyzing your performance data, you can fine-tune your training routine and optimize your cycling experience.
Your cycling metrics, optimized for iPhone
Cycling workouts with watchOS 10 will now seamlessly sync with your iPhone’s Live Activity display. This makes cycling workouts way more accessible. Start a cycling workout from your watch, and it will automatically show up as a Live Activity on your iPhone. With a single tap, your metrics take center stage on the iPhone screen, providing a larger and more convenient view while you're on the go. This eliminates the need for a dedicated bike computer, offering a cost-effective solution for cyclists at any level. 

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The 23 best quad exercises for tree trunk-sized quads
All of the best quad exercises for packing on serious muscle mass
Strong quad muscles.

Nobody should skip leg day, plain and simple. You don't have to have legs the size of Dwayne Johnson's either, but that wouldn't hurt. You also don’t have to be a hardcore cyclist, runner, or athlete of any sport to want strong quads. This major muscle group is important for functional strength for everything from getting out of a chair to climbing stairs. Strong quads allow you to jump high, run fast, generate power, and dominate all sorts of physical tasks, and there’s the undeniable allure of attaining chiseled definition in your legs. Using specific quad exercises is key in doing so.
Fortunately, the quads are one of the easiest muscle groups to strengthen as well as pack on considerable size if you have been slacking on leg days as of late. There are lots of great quad exercises and quad workouts that can be completed with everything from just your own body weight to dumbbells, weight machines, or other training tools. Quad exercises can be incorporated into HIIT workouts, plyometrics, and even low-impact cardio activities like cycling and rowing. Below, we share some of the best quad exercises you can try for effective sculpting and strengthening quad workouts.

What are the quad muscles?
The "quads" or "quad muscles" refer to the quadriceps, a group of four muscles along the front of the thigh. This group of muscles includes:

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